Stroll around the Saint-Martin canal

Hôtel Appia, Paris

Stroll around the Saint-Martin canal

Close to the Appia Hotel, the Canal Saint-Martin offers a pretty promenade. That’s a good thing! In October, the weather is still mild enough to enjoy walks in the open air. Ideal to keep the virus at a distance but also to admire the capital in its autumn clothes.

Between the Bassin de la Villette and the port of l’Arsenal, the Saint-Martin canal carries its peaceful waters for almost 5 km. Along its shady quays, away from the urban bustle, you can enjoy a unique landscape and atmosphere. An opportunity to discover a Paris that is both popular and trendy, punctuated by locks and small squares.

On the footbridge overlooking the Récollets lock, you won’t fail to make a stop. From there, you can admire the canal and its scarf of century-old trees. But also see the facade of the Hôtel du Nord, quai de Jemmapes, a mythical hotel for all movie lovers! It reminds us of the industrious and popular Paris of yesteryear. Since then, the neighborhood has become rather trendy with its galleries, stores, restaurants and cafes.

The « passerelle des Douanes », quai de Valmy, is another popular spot for walkers. It offers a poetic and romantic postcard setting to wish! From there, it is on the canal that you will continue, as this part has been covered. It is only after the Bastille that the waters return to the open air and you, the marina set up in the basin of the Arsenal.

Good plan: you can also opt for a cruise on the Saint-Martin canal, culminating in a 2 km underground crossing between the Arsenal port and the rue du Faubourg-du-Temple.

In October, treat yourself to a fall stroll along the Saint-Martin canal and a comfortable stay at the Appia hotel.

Matisse Pompidou

Henri Matisse au Centre Pompidou

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